Friday, August 04, 2006

isp ish update

oh yeah, remember when i said i MIGHT be having isp issues this week? it's still hasn't happened. i really thought they were going to fix it 3 days ago, which is mainly the reason why i didn't bother to go online, but apparently, fucking internet guys haven't done anything yet. but they said they will, so just in case i don't update for like...a really long time, it can only mean that i'm either screaming at them 13 hours a day, or i'm finally having fun after SO long that i can no longer have the time to even check if my internet's back on.:) lol. i REALLY hope it's the having fun part. pretty please lord please! and as for YOU GUYS, please be happy for me if by some miracle that really does happen coz OMG i really can say that I DESERVE IT!=)

to all my friends, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! and for all the people outside cebu and the philippines who misses me, thank you for all the lovely emails! i SO need that right now. oh, and...shoutouts to my lovely friends in cali!! especially you guys in salinas! hope to see you in september! if i don't, then you guys really just have to visit me wherever i may be by then! lol!


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