i don't like the sun. i really don't. we're not very good friends. i hate him, and there are times wherein i really feel like he hates me too. yes, i'm nuts.
but living in the Philippines has made it harder and harder for my spoiled-little-princess-need to stay sweat-free, all the time. after a while, you just have to embrace the fact that you're already stuck, so might as well make the most out of it...or get used to it, but still go on complaining. whichever way goes for you.
later on, you slowly see the "beauty of it all". especially here in Cebu, where there aren't much skyscrapers to block the dreaded sun from ruining your newly-micropeeled skin (compared to Metro Manille). but it does make up with a lot of other perks. afterall, there's always basement parking, and superblack tint for your car. ;) nope, no valet parking in Cebu. =P
all year round, it feels like summer in Cebu. sure, there's the occasional thunderstorms and cloudy days (my fave). but most of the time, it's always (TOO) fucking hot, it's not even funny.
but as i just said earlier, it DOES have a lot of perks. the world is slowly picking up on how fabulous the beaches are...so there are like more and more new establishments opening on a monthly basis. cute korean boys (oh god, after that Lee Dong Wook issue, i SO started noticing koreans more!), and finally GOOD restaurants (cuisine, in particular). by good, i mean, up to par. if you want world-class cuisine, Shangri-la Mactan is the only way to go. but all the local chains are fabulous. omg...sudden craving for bbq. love love love. -->fat fat fat!
one of the major perks is you get to wear nearly-slutty shorty shorts all the time, and it's justifiable! lol! Cebu's "style" is basically laid-back, breezy, "summery". and majority (both men and women) DO their best not to look "trying hard". which is fine by me.
so with micro-minis and shorty-shorts at large, the only way you could really accentuate those leggitylegs are (if one happens to be blessed, and just pray to god they are) with fabulous footwear...and spray-on leg bronzers (but don't forget to be immaculately HAIR-FREE for crying out loud!) for COMFORTABLE daywear besides flip-flops, a pair of sexy wedges is the way to go (so as long as you have perfectly-pedicured tippy-toes!). then chuck them after 7PM! lol! pumps are better for clubbing, hello.
but for daytime, i'd still want to lounge around I.T. Park or Off-Roads Cafe's roofdeck (early morning *gawd* or 5PM the earliest!!) looking like this...;) i like sunny backgrounds so as long it's on print.

Marc by Marc Jacobs Grosgrain Ankle Wrap Wedge
original price: $225 or PhP 11,531.56
NOW ON SALE: $113 or PhP 5,791.41!!!
gotta love clearance sales baby!!!!
photo creds: neimanmarcus.com
all photos below are from victoriassecret.com (in my drastic effort to be frugal. *struggles* must...save...moolah...)
if you still don't feel like shelling out more than a hundred bucks, or 5k pesos on a pair of decent wedges, fine...go for something disposable like these...
Victoria's Secret Sequin espadrille sandal $28 or PhP1,435.04 marked down from $35.
it's hot...for now. sooner or later, there's a very big possibility those sequins might start to annoy you (coz you're the only one who can actually see them up close). don't worry, just remember, you got your shoe fix for less than $30! so be happy...=)
i actually like these better though...
Victoria's Secret Anklestrap espadrille sandal
for only $25 or PhP 1,281.28
but denim and gold? hmmmmm...again, "disposable", but it'll make you feel cute for a week or two.

now, if you really need some major help in height-boosting, you could always go for a pair like this.
Victoria's Secret Embroidered wedge sandal
$58 or PhP 2,972.58
but i just dread the "boatshoe" look...and the embroidery is too damn disturbing. too..."cowgirl goes to Hooters".
shooters, anyone? lol
now this...let's just say, i'd rather be a hooker dressed as Daisy Duke (sans boots) with the previous wedges, than be caught anywhere dead, near, and much less *shudder* actually wearing this...thing.
again, from Victoria's Secret...this totally changed my mood for VS earlier. i'm not even going to a add a link to this. it's too horrid for words. fugly bugly.

Legwrap wedge sandal $36 or PhP 1,845.05
"A sweet & sexy look that wedges out fall's competition. Imported silk/polyester satin. 3 3/4" covered wedge heel." hwat??!!!! sweet and sexy?? wedges out fall's competition??!!! jeezz...
in the end, it's really up to what you guys want. for a pair of Marc by Marc Jacobs (on sale), you can already buy 3 or 4 pairs from Victoria's Secret, or some other secondary lines. your call. it's all bout priorities, girl.
oh what the hell...i'm going for the MJs!!!! lol!